Hayward Personal Injury Lawyer

Hayward Personal Injury L…

If you have been involved in an injury or accident, Varlack Legal Services may be able to help. If you are the injured party, we will work to secure you an award to make you “whole.” This means that we will fight to recover money for your loss of use of your car and/or property, time off from work, medical expenses, out of pocket costs and pain and suffering.

We work hard to get you the best recovery for your investment. And the good news is, you don’t pay legal fees unless you win.

You can learn more below about California personal injury law. Contact VLS for a free consultation about how a personal injury lawyer can help in your case. Based in Hayward, California we serve clients throughout the San Francisco Bay area and beyond.

Basic California Personal Injury Law

In the State of California personal injury law is law designed to make you “whole” after you are injured by another’s lack of care. In legal terms, when you can bring a lawsuit because of an act that harmed you, the act is a "tort," so personal injury cases involve tort law.

Although there are many kinds of torts, most fall into one of three categories:

  1. Intentional torts
  2. Unintentional or negligent torts
  3. Strict liability

An unintentional tort or negligent tort in California requires four elements:

  1. Existence of duty of care;
  2. Breach of that duty;
  3. Proximate causation; and
  4. Resulting damages.

Negligence is conduct which falls below the standard established by law for the protection of others against an unreasonable risk of harm. Under general principles of negligence law, persons have a duty to use due care to avoid injury to others and may be held liable if their careless conduct injures another person.

The bedrock of tort law is that an injured person should be made “whole” by the person or entity responsible for his injuries. Thus, a victim of a negligent tort has the right to sue the person who committed the tort for damages.

It is important to understand the difference between torts and crimes. A tort is a civil wrong against an individual that exposes the tortfeasor to liability to an individual (or individuals). A crime is a wrong against society or the state and is punishable by incarceration or a fine.

Below you can learn more about some specific types of accident / injury cases and how VLS can help. If you or a loved one has been injured, please contact VLS today for a free consultation about how we can help you.